7PM IST is equivalent to 06:30 AM PST


Have you ever wondered how to convert the time from one time zone to another? In this tutorial, we will explore how to convert 7PM IST to PST.

IST stands for Indian Standard Time, which is the time followed in India. PST stands for Pacific Standard Time, which is the time followed in the Pacific Time Zone of the United States and Canada.

To convert 7PM IST to PST, we need to consider the time difference between the two time zones. IST is 12 hours and 30 minutes ahead of PST. Therefore, to convert 7PM IST to PST, we subtract the time difference.

Let’s break down the conversion steps:

Step 1: Convert 7PM IST to 24-hour format In the 24-hour format, 7PM is equivalent to 19:00.

Step 2: Subtract the time difference IST is 12 hours and 30 minutes ahead of PST, so we subtract 12 hours and 30 minutes from 19:00.

19:00 - 12:30 = 06:30 (PST)

Therefore, 7PM IST is equivalent to 06:30 AM PST.

It’s important to note that time zone conversions can sometimes be affected by daylight saving time adjustments. Daylight saving time is observed in certain regions to make better use of daylight during the summer months. This means that the time difference between IST and PST may vary during daylight saving time periods. Make sure to consider any daylight saving time changes when converting time between two time zones.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful!