
Naming conventions are an essential aspect of any programming language as they contribute to code readability and maintainability. In Rust, following consistent naming conventions can help you write clean and organized code. This article will provide an overview of recommended naming conventions for files, classes, interfaces, functions, variables, constants, modules, and libraries in Rust.


Rust source files typically follow the convention of using lowercase letters, with words separated by underscores, and ending with the “".rs”" extension. For example, a file containing a module named hello_world could be named

Classes, Interfaces, and Structs

In Rust, classes do not exist in the traditional sense. Instead, Rust uses structs to define custom data types. The naming convention for structs is also lowercase letters and words separated by underscores. For example:

struct AccountInfo {
    // struct fields

Rust does not have interfaces, but you can define traits to achieve similar functionality. Trait names should also adhere to the same naming convention as structs.


Function names in Rust should be written in lowercase with words separated by underscores. This convention helps distinguish functions from structs or types. For example:

fn calculate_area() {
    // function implementation


Variable names in Rust also follow the same convention of using lowercase letters with underscores between words. Use descriptive names that convey the purpose or meaning of the variable. For example:

let max_retries = 5;


Constants in Rust are typically written in uppercase with underscores separating words. They are declared using the const keyword. For example:

const MAX_VALUE: u32 = 100;


Modules in Rust allow you to organize code into separate files or blocks. The convention for module names is lowercase with words separated by underscores. For example:

mod utility_functions {
    // module contents


Libraries in Rust are commonly referred to as crates. Crates follow the same naming conventions as files and modules, using lowercase with underscores separating words.


Following consistent naming conventions in Rust is crucial for writing clean, readable, and maintainable code. By adhering to the recommended conventions for files, classes, interfaces, functions, variables, constants, modules, and libraries, your code will be more approachable by other developers and easier to understand. Happy coding in Rust!

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