
Naming conventions play a crucial role in writing clean and readable code. By following consistent naming conventions, developers can improve the clarity and maintainability of their Python programs. This article covers the recommended naming conventions for various entities in Python, such as files, classes, interfaces, functions, variables, constants, modules, and libraries.


For Python source files, it is best to use lowercase letters and separate words with underscores. This convention is known as ““snake_case””. For example, a Python file that contains utility functions could be named or Avoid using spaces or special characters in file names.

Classes and Interfaces

Class and interface names should follow the PascalCase convention, where the first letter of each word is capitalized and there are no underscores. For example, a class representing a car would be named Car instead of car or car_class. This convention helps to differentiate classes from variables and functions.


Function names should also be in snake_case to maintain consistency with file names. Use descriptive names that accurately convey the purpose of the function. For example, a function that calculates the average of a list of numbers could be named calculate_average or get_average. Avoid using abbreviations unless they are widely understood in the context.


Variable names, like function names, should be in snake_case. Use descriptive and meaningful names that clearly indicate the purpose of the variable. For instance, instead of using single letter names like x or y, consider using more expressive names like salary or total_records. This improves the readability and understanding of the code.


In Python, there is no strict rule for defining constants, but it is a convention to write them in UPPERCASE letters with underscores separating words. For example, a constant representing the value of pi could be named PI or PI_VALUE. This convention helps to distinguish constants from variables that can be reassigned.

Modules and Packages

Module names should be in snake_case just like file and function names. Use meaningful names that describe the functionality of the module. It is also a good practice to avoid naming modules with the same name as built-in modules or existing libraries to prevent potential conflicts.


When creating custom libraries, it is recommended to prefix the library name with a unique identifier or organization name. This helps to avoid naming conflicts with other libraries. For example, if you are creating a library called ““my_library””, you could name it my_organization.my_library. This convention ensures that the library name is unique and easy to identify.


Adhering to consistent naming conventions is essential in Python development. It improves the readability, maintainability, and collaboration of code. By following the best practices mentioned in this article, you can write clean and professional Python code that is easy to understand and maintain.

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