Naming conventions play a crucial role in writing clean and maintainable code. Consistently following a set of conventions enhances code readability and improves collaboration among developers. In this tutorial, we will discuss naming conventions for various entities in JavaScript, including files, classes, interfaces, functions, variables, constants, modules, and libraries.

File Naming Conventions

When naming JavaScript files, it’s essential to choose descriptive names that summarize the purpose or functionality of the code. Avoid using generic names like script.js or main.js, as they don’t provide meaningful insight into the file’s content. Instead, opt for more specific names that accurately describe the file’s role.

For example, if you are creating a JavaScript file for handling user authentication, a suitable name could be userAuth.js. Similarly, a file responsible for manipulating data in a shopping cart could be named cartUtils.js.

Another good practice is to use lowercase letters and hyphens to separate words in file names. This convention improves readability and ensures consistency across different operating systems and platforms.

Class and Interface Naming Conventions

JavaScript supports object-oriented programming concepts through classes and interfaces. When naming classes, it’s customary to use PascalCase, also known as camel-cased, notation. This means that each word in the name starts with an uppercase letter, while the remaining letters are lowercase.

For example, consider a class representing a car. A proper name for this class would be Car.

Interfaces, on the other hand, should be named using the same conventions as class names. However, it is a good practice to prefix the interface name with an uppercase I. For instance, an interface defining the behavior of a printable object can be named IPrintable.

Function Naming Conventions

Functions in JavaScript should be named using camelCase notation. Generally, the name should describe the purpose or action performed by the function. For instance, a function that calculates the average of an array could be named calculateAverage.

Variable and Constant Naming Conventions

Variables and constants in JavaScript should also follow the camelCase convention. It’s important to choose descriptive and meaningful names that reflect the purpose of the variable.

For example, a variable holding a user’s age can be named userAge, and a constant representing the maximum value could be named MAX_VALUE.

Constants, being values that remain unchanged throughout the program, are typically written in uppercase letters with words separated by underscores. This convention helps distinguish constants from regular variables and enhances their visibility.

Module and Library Naming Conventions

When working with modules and libraries, it is beneficial to choose names that are unique, specific, and avoid conflicting with other existing modules or libraries. A common practice is to use lowercase or lowercase-with-hyphens for module names.

For example, a module handling date-related operations could be named dateUtils, and a library providing utility functions for string manipulation could be named string-helpers.

It is also recommended to include a short, descriptive comment at the beginning of each module or library file to provide information about its purpose, usage, and any other relevant details.


By following consistent naming conventions, you can write cleaner, more readable, and maintainable code in JavaScript. Remember to choose descriptive names that reflect the purpose and functionality of each entity, and adhere to the established conventions for files, classes, interfaces, functions, variables, constants, modules, and libraries.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful. Happy coding in JavaScript!