Base64 Encoding in Python

Base64 encoding is a technique of converting binary data into a set of ASCII characters. It is often used for transmitting data over the internet, including images, audio files, and other multimedia data. In this tutorial, we will learn how to Base64 encode a string in Python.

Python provides a built-in module called base64 that can be used for encoding and decoding data in Base64 format. Here’s how to use it to encode a string:

import base64

text = "Hello, World!"
encoded_text = base64.b64encode(text.encode('utf-8'))

In this example, we first import the base64 module. We then define a string called “Hello, World!”. We encode the string using the base64.b64encode() method, which takes the string as input and returns the encoded data as a bytes object. Finally, we print the encoded data to the console.

If you want to decode the Base64 encoded string back to its original form, you can use the base64.b64decode() method. Here’s an example:

import base64

encoded_text = b'SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=='
decoded_text = base64.b64decode(encoded_text).decode('utf-8')

In this example, we first define an encoded string called encoded_text. We decode the string using the base64.b64decode() method, which takes the encoded data as input and returns the original data as a bytes object. We then decode the bytes object using the decode() method to get the original string. Finally, we print the decoded string to the console.

In summary, Base64 encoding is a useful technique for transmitting binary data over the internet. In Python, you can use the built-in base64 module to encode and decode data in Base64 format. By understanding how to use this module, you can easily encode and transmit data in your Python applications.

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