
Working with date and time can be challenging, especially when dealing with different time zones. As developers, we often work with UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and need to convert it to a local time zone like PST (Pacific Standard Time). In this blog post, we will cover how to convert UTC date to PST date in JavaScript.


JavaScript provides the Date constructor that allows developers to create and manipulate date objects. Date objects in JavaScript are defined in UTC time. When we display or manipulate the date object, JavaScript converts it into the local time zone of the user. To convert UTC date to PST date, we need to create a new date object based on the current UTC time and then apply the UTC to PST offset.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Create a new date object using the Date constructor.
const currentDateTime = new Date();
  1. Get the UTC date and time.
const utcDateTime = currentDateTime.toUTCString();
  1. Create a new date object based on the UTC date and time.
const pstDateTime = new Date(utcDateTime);
  1. Calculate the offset between UTC and PST.
const offset = -8 * 60; // -8 hours * 60 minutes
  1. Apply the offset to the PST date object.
pstDateTime.setMinutes(pstDateTime.getMinutes() + offset);
  1. Format the PST date object.
const options = { timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles' }; // Timezone to PST
const formattedDateTime = pstDateTime.toLocaleString('en-US', options);
  1. Print the final PST date and time.


In conclusion, this step-by-step guide will help you convert UTC date to PST date in JavaScript. By following this guide, you can display or manipulate date and time objects in any time zone based on your needs. Converting UTC to PST date is just one example of how to work with date and time objects in JavaScript, and you can modify this example to support other time zones as well.