If you’re working with time zones in JavaScript, you may come across the need to convert between different time zones. In this blog post, we will explore how to convert Indian Standard Time (IST) to Pacific Standard Time (PST) using JavaScript.

The Problem: IST to PST Conversion

Indian Standard Time (IST) is the time zone used in India, while Pacific Standard Time (PST) is the time zone used in the western part of the United States. To convert a given time from IST to PST, we need to consider the time difference between the two time zones.

The Solution: JavaScript’s Date Object

JavaScript provides the Date object, which can be used to work with dates and times. By utilizing this object and manipulating the time values, we can achieve the desired conversion.

Here’s an example function that converts IST to PST:

function convertISTtoPST(istDate) {
  // Get the current date and time in IST
  var istDateTime = new Date(istDate);

  // Get the UTC equivalent of the IST date and time
  var utcDateTime = new Date(

  // Apply the time difference between IST and PST
  var pstDateTime = new Date(utcDateTime.getTime() - 8 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

  return pstDateTime;

In this code, we create a new Date object using the input IST date and time. Then, we retrieve the UTC equivalent of the IST date and time using the corresponding UTC methods (getUTCFullYear(), getUTCMonth(), getUTCDate(), getUTCHours(), getUTCMinutes(), and getUTCSeconds()). After that, we subtract the time difference between IST and PST (8 hours) from the UTC time to obtain the PST date and time.

Testing the Function

Let’s test our convertISTtoPST function with a sample date:

var istDate = '2023-06-10T10:30:00Z';
var pstDate = convertISTtoPST(istDate);

When executed, this code will output the converted date and time in the console. Remember to replace the sample IST date with your desired input.


Converting time zones is a common requirement when working with dates and times in different regions. By utilizing JavaScript’s Date object and manipulating the time values, we can easily convert IST to PST and vice versa. This flexibility allows developers to handle time zone conversions effectively in their applications.

Remember to consider the daylight saving time (DST) changes if applicable when dealing with time zone conversions.

I hope this blog post has provided you with a helpful approach to convert IST to PST in JavaScript!