
String manipulation is a common task in programming, and one operation that is frequently performed is to convert a string to lower case. In Go, this can be easily achieved using the strings package. In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of converting a string to lower case in Go.

To start, let’s assume we have a string variable named inputString that contains the string we want to convert to lower case. Here’s how we can accomplish this:

package main

import (

func main() {
    inputString := ""Hello, World!""

    lowerCaseString := strings.ToLower(inputString)


In the code above, we import the strings package, which contains the ToLower function that we will use to convert the string to lower case. We also import the fmt package to print the result.

Inside the main function, we declare the inputString variable and assign it the value ““Hello, World!””. Then, we call the ToLower function from the strings package, passing in the inputString variable as the argument. The result of the conversion is stored in the lowerCaseString variable.

Finally, we use the fmt.Println function to print the lower case string to the console.

When we run this program, the output will be:

hello, world!

As you can see, the string ““Hello, World!”” has been converted to lower case successfully.

It’s important to note that the ToLower function from the strings package creates a new string with the lower case version of the original string. It does not modify the original string in place.

In conclusion, converting a string to lower case in Go is a simple process using the ToLower function from the strings package. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily manipulate strings in Go and perform various string operations as per your requirements.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful!