Base64 Encoding in Golang

Welcome to the third post of our Base64 and JWT blog series. In this post, we’ll be discussing how to Base64 encode in Golang. As we’ve learned previously, Base64 is a commonly used binary-to-text encoding scheme used to convert binary data into ASCII text format that’s transferable over networks. In Golang, you can implement Base64 encoding using the standard library’s encoding/base64 package.


In Golang, the encoding/base64 package is used to encode binary data into Base64 representation. This package is capable of encoding and decoding data to and from Base64. Golang’s Base64 encoding is safe to use with any kind of data, including binary data.

Step-by-Step Guide

Now, let’s dive into an example of Base64 encoding in Golang:

  1. First, import the encoding/base64 package.
import "encoding/base64"
  1. Next, create a byte slice containing the data you want to encode.
data := []byte("Base64 is awesome")
  1. Encode the data using the StdEncoding function.
encodedData := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(data)
  1. Print the encoded data to confirm that it has been Base64 encoded.




Encoding and decoding data to and from Base64 is quick and easy in Golang using the encoding/base64 package. We’ve shown you a simple example of how to Base64 encode in Golang. Stay tuned for our next post, where we’ll discuss how to decode Base64 strings in Golang.